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UEFA Euro 2016 trophy (Henri Delaunay Cup)

Contributed by Stephen Coles on Jul 10th, 2016. Artwork published in
July 2016
    UEFA Euro 2016 trophy (Henri Delaunay Cup) 1
    Source: © UEFA. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Last night’s live broadcast indicated that moments after the end of the 2016 European Football Championship the winner, “PORTUGAL”, was engraved on the back of the Henri Delaunay Trophy. It appears that Arial Bold is used as a model for the engraver, perhaps as a template laid over the blank plate.

    The front side of the trophy has a UEFA logo and a label using what is likely a standard engraver’s template of a serif roman.
    © AFP Photo / Georges Gobet. License: All Rights Reserved.

    The front side of the trophy has a UEFA logo and a label using what is likely a standard engraver’s template of a serif roman.


    • Arial




    Artwork location

    2 Comments on “UEFA Euro 2016 trophy (Henri Delaunay Cup)”

    1. Such a miserable thing to have Arial in anything except to show as examples of lousiness/misery. Whenever I see it, I try to ignore. When Arial is banned, the world is going to be a much happier and much more beautiful place. I also feel the same way for Proxima Nova and the grey shades that come with it everywhere its applied insipidly.

    2. A ban is a bit harsh. I wouldn’t ban a font any more than I would ban a book. In most senses, Arial has lived past its purpose, and you could argue it was an ill-advised design, but it did make many screens more readable for about a decade, so it’s not entirely worthless. For a sterling silver trophy of this prestige, though? Arial is a sad choice. There are few typefaces more default and dull.

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