Hch. Wuhrmann invoice, 1941
Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Oct 19th, 2016. Artwork published in
circa 1940
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2 Comments on “Hch. Wuhrmann invoice, 1941”
In their eBay shop, allesauspaper shows a set of older invoices by the same company, from the 1920s. The letterheads may be more beautiful, but it’s all lettering, and hence not for Fonts In Use.
P.S.: The pink “Durchschreibebücher-Fabrik” actually is a typeface, namely the crazy Xylo (B. Krebs, 1924). The smaller bits on the other invoices look like Bernhard-Fraktur.
At the end of his article on the Satz- und Druck-Musterheft 1938, Paul Shaw notes: