CNET homepage with Jubilat Medium, reversed on images
Founded in 1994 and currently a brand of CBS Interactive, CNET is the highest-read technology news source on the Web. The website publishes news, reviews, articles, and videos on technology and consumer electronics, and maintains a download section with popular software.
Since the major overhaul introduced in August 2014, the French edition CNET France makes good use of webfonts. The design combines the contemporary slab serif Jubilat by Darden Studio with Proxima Nova. Jubilat Medium adds authority to the headlines, while Jubilat Extra Light graces the article intros. The fonts are served via Typekit.
Headlines are set in the Medium weight. The deck is in Jubilat Extra Light. The Jubilat family spans 11 weights, with 4 weights being even lighter than Extra Light (Thin, Extra Thin, Super Thin, Hairline).