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ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions

Contributed by Maria Nicholas on Apr 3rd, 2017. Artwork published in
March 2017
ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions 1
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On 31 March 2017, the groundbreaking book ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions was published in a completely revised and expanded edition. This new edition features many more details on exactly how ABBA wrote and recorded all the music they created during their decade together.

ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions by Carl Magnus Palm was first published in 1994, at a time when ABBA were still a long way from being the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame inductees they are today. Based on original research and interviews with all four ABBA members, as well as the key people who worked with them in the recording studio, the book was the first attempt at taking a serious look at the group’s music.

In the past two decades, more information about the group’s music has emerged, and the author has also spent hundreds of hours on additional research. These findings have now been incorporated into the new edition of ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions. The book has been rewritten from the ground up and features more than three times as much text as the original volume.

Designer Maria Nicholas set the entire book in Questa and Questa Sans with just one notable exception: the word “ABBA” on the cover, set in News Gothic Bold as a nod to the group’s trademarked version with reversed “B” developed in 1976.

The book was self-published by the author through a successful crowdfunding effort and is now making its way into the hands of ABBA and pop music fans around the globe.

ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions 2
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ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions 3
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ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions 4
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ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions 5
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ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions 6
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6 Comments on “ABBA – The Complete Recording Sessions

  1. Marvelous. I’ve following along with the book’s production on twitter and I’m glad to see an entry for it here. Thank you for your hard work.

  2. Thanks so much for the comment, Nigel!

  3. Steven Foster says:
    Apr 7th, 2017 11:14 am

    Thank you for your many hours of work Maria. It’s a beautiful book as well as a fascinating read. Together, you and Carl Magnus Palm have created an important and in-depth reference work on the subject that will be read and re-read by me for years to come. You’re clearly a very gifted and telented designer and I wish you every success with you future projects.

  4. Many sincere thanks, Steven!

  5. Herbert Bara says:
    Apr 8th, 2017 7:09 pm

    I am so happy to hold this book in my hand now, it is a very grand piece of work and I thank you so much, Maria!

  6. Thank *you*, Herbert :-)

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