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Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond / Memories of the Moon Age by Lukas Feireiss

Contributed by Emilie Rigaud on Apr 3rd, 2017. Artwork published in
July 2016
Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond / Memories of the Moon Age by Lukas Feireiss 1
License: All Rights Reserved.

Knif Mono in use in Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond (German) / Memories of the Moon Age (English) by Lukas Feireiss, designed by Floyd E. Schulze and published by Spector Books, 2016:

Long before scientists took the possibility of travelling to the Moon seriously, virtually all of its aspects had already been explored in art and literature. Our nearest astronomical neighbour, the Moon — just three days journey by spacecraft — still serves as an object of creative projection and speculation for visionaries across the globe. More than five decades after the first moonwalk, the book “Memories of the Moon-Age” traces a visual cultural history of lunar exploration in snapshots from the past, present, and future. This inspiring journey through history ranges from Ptolemy’s early calculations of the distance from the Earth to the Moon and Galilei’s invention of the telescope and his pen drawings of the lunar surface to the golden age of space travel in the mid-twentieth century with Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey and the concrete preparations for the Apollo Moon landing.

Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond / Memories of the Moon Age by Lukas Feireiss 2
License: All Rights Reserved.
Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond / Memories of the Moon Age by Lukas Feireiss 3
License: All Rights Reserved.
Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond / Memories of the Moon Age by Lukas Feireiss 4
License: All Rights Reserved.
Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond / Memories of the Moon Age by Lukas Feireiss 5
License: All Rights Reserved.
Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond / Memories of the Moon Age by Lukas Feireiss 6
License: All Rights Reserved.

2 Comments on “Der Traum von der Reise zum Mond / Memories of the Moon Age by Lukas Feireiss”

  1. The serif typeface for text looks like DTL Elzevir.

  2. Great catch, Akira!

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