21 Classic Ave Photo(s) by Joe Clark. Imported from Flickr on Jun 11, 2017. Source: www.flickr.com Uploaded to Flickr by Joe Clark and tagged with “eurostile”. License: All Rights Reserved. Typefaces Formats Signs (1382) Topics Architecture (865) Tagged withaddress numbers (27)all caps (4034)tight letterspacing (529)mounted architectural letters (118)buildings (30) Artwork location Canada (498) Toronto (127) In Sets 1 Comment on “21 Classic Ave” Florian Hardwig says: Jun 14th, 2017 1:10 pm Eurostile and its (originally caps-only) predecessor Microgramma can be hard to tell apart. The flat sections in those joints that involve diagonals (1, A, V) give away that this is Microgramma. Left: Microgramma Bold Extended. Right: Eurostile 415–22 Post a comment Name Email – will not be published Website Your response Submit Comment More Microgramma in use On the Radar2017VanderbrandContributed by Melanie Hong Spring 2020 lecture series poster, University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture2020WSDIA WeShouldDoItAllContributed by Adrien Menard Tony Mottola – String Band Strum-Along album art1961Charles E. MurphyGeorge GiustiPhoto(s) by Bart Solenthaler on Flickr. Sponsor More in Architecture Emerald Networks: Reviving the Legacy of City Parks2015SasakiNeda MovagharJessica GrantContributed by Ciarán Crawley JPK NRW. Der Architekt Josef Paul Kleihues in Nordrhein-Westfalen2019JAC-GestaltungJudith Anna RütherContributed by Judith Anna Rüther Staff Pick Oli Rotomin leadholderc. 1955Photo(s) by altpapiersammler on Flickr. Da Bauhaus ao nosso caos1991Editora RoccoAna Maria DuarteContributed by Thiago More in Signs Blumen-Unger, BraunschweigPhoto(s) by monsieur ADRIEN on Flickr. Krienbrücke, LuzernPhoto(s) by Nina Stössinger on Flickr. Reval Café TallinnunknownContributed by Olivia Harmon Domus Grimani2019Livio CasseseContributed by CAST More Fonts In Use 12 Essentialsc. 2017Tino NymanMatilda LeppäkoskiContributed by Lucas Le Bihan Staff Pick Druk magazine, “Met één been in het verleden”1999Jan MiddendorpContributed by Richard Lipton Staff Pick Barbican Arts Centre2006Cartlidge LeveneStudio MyerscoughContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick 606 Universal Shelving System1989Neville BrodyContributed by Stephen Coles Staff Pick
1 Comment on “21 Classic Ave”
Eurostile and its (originally caps-only) predecessor Microgramma can be hard to tell apart. The flat sections in those joints that involve diagonals (1, A, V) give away that this is Microgramma.
Left: Microgramma Bold Extended. Right: Eurostile 415–22