Source: to Flickr by Kirsten Solveig Schneider and tagged with “schneidlerschwabacher”. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Type cases and cabinets as well as all wooden equipment required for the specialist are manufactured by our wooden equipment department. Use of well dried and hard woods. Careful processing with the latest machines. Greatest space savings through our standard shelves. Case floors made of triple crosswise glued plywood, therefore lowering, tearing and warping impossible.”
Ad in Typographische Mitteilungen, Vol. 22, Issue 12, December 1925, featuring Schneidler-Schwabacher halbfett.
Source: to Flickr by Kirsten Solveig Schneider and tagged with “schneidlerschwabacher”. License: All Rights Reserved.
“Rich selection of printing blocks: printers’ emblems, Gutenberg portraits, and other symbols for all trades”
Ad in Typographische Mitteilungen, Vol. 22, Issue 9, September 1925, featuring Schneidler-Schwabacher and printing plate Nr. 35675 by Schriftgießerei J. G. Schelter & Giesecke.