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Artis annual reports (2009–)

Contributed by Darden Studio on Jan 11th, 2018. Artwork published in .
Artis annual reports (2009–) 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Amsterdam’s Royal Zoo (Artis) use its identity font, Omnes in their annual reports, which showcases the broad utility of the font. Omnes is a display font which is able to work well in text settings.

Design agency Van Lennep’s approach to these information-rich documents is a light one. Most pages are purely typographic, with the majority of the text set in a single style of Omnes. The ragged-right paragraphs do with little line-spacing. The light font weight combined with the gray color and the ample surrounding whitespace make for an uncongested impression. Hierarchy is established mainly through changes to the font size and occasional all-caps headings. A restrainedly used color coding helps to quickly navigate the documents. The gorgeous photography and illustration add to the pleasant experience.

Table of contents with chapter numbers and smaller page numbers. The former are supported by an unobtrusive color coding. Capitalization is reduced to a minimum.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Table of contents with chapter numbers and smaller page numbers. The former are supported by an unobtrusive color coding. Capitalization is reduced to a minimum.

The designers specified Omnes for all elements — from body text, headings, and lists to running titles and page numbers. All text on this page is set in Omnes Light, with the exception of the page number (Regular) and the total amount (Medium).
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

The designers specified Omnes for all elements — from body text, headings, and lists to running titles and page numbers. All text on this page is set in Omnes Light, with the exception of the page number (Regular) and the total amount (Medium).

Instead of using color, borders, or additional styles like bold, the text is structured mostly through the use of whitespace and headings in various sizes.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Instead of using color, borders, or additional styles like bold, the text is structured mostly through the use of whitespace and headings in various sizes.

The chapter openings juxtapose minimalist typographic pages featuring Omnes’ numerals with stunning full-page photography.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

The chapter openings juxtapose minimalist typographic pages featuring Omnes’ numerals with stunning full-page photography.

The annual report for 2016 starts off with a series of figures that are illustrated with cute pictures made of modular elements.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

The annual report for 2016 starts off with a series of figures that are illustrated with cute pictures made of modular elements.

Artis annual reports (2009–) 7
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.




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1 Comment on “Artis annual reports (2009–)”

  1. I love Omnes, but changing their logo in 2016 to change the font, no thanks.

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