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Unter der Haut – Gunnar Kaiser

Contributed by Andreas Seidel on Apr 30th, 2018. Artwork published in
March 2018
Unter der Haut – Gunnar Kaiser 1
Photo: Andreas Seidel. License: CC BY.

Astype’s Vtg Stencil UK No. 76 font is used for the book jacket of Gunnar Kaiser’s novel Unter der Haut (“Under the skin”) published by Berlin Verlag.

Additional images on the portfolio website of Zero Media show a special edition where the letterforms are cut into a slipcase, revealing the red anatomical image on the cover underneath.

Unter der Haut – Gunnar Kaiser 2
Source: Piper. License: All Rights Reserved.
Vtg Stencil UK No. 76 is also used for the title page, the section openings, and the page numbers.
Source: Piper. License: All Rights Reserved.

Vtg Stencil UK No. 76 is also used for the title page, the section openings, and the page numbers.

The book interior was set by psb. The text typeface is Minion.
Source: Piper. License: All Rights Reserved.

The book interior was set by psb. The text typeface is Minion.




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