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English Pronunciation Illustrated by John Trim (Cambridge University Press, 1975)

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on May 20th, 2021. Artwork published in .
English Pronunciation Illustrated by John Trim (Cambridge University Press, 1975) 1
Source: Cambridge University Press. License: All Rights Reserved.

Between 1973 and 1975, Ken Garland & Associates designed a series of books for Cambridge University Press, using Bembo as the primary cover typeface.

The Press proposed to embark on a considerable expansion of their publications relating to the teaching of English as a foreign language. We were commissioned to devise a distinctive style for book covers, tape cassettes and boxes, and publicity material, as well as the design of the books themselves.

The new edition of English Pronunciation Illustrated by linguist John Trim was made together with illustrator Peter Kneebone. The front cover is mirrored on the back, with all text including the publisher’s name shown in an International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) font based on Gill Sans.

Today Adrian Shaughnessy announced that Ken Garland has died. In memory of the influential British graphic designer, Unit Books have made their monograph on his work available for free. I wholeheartedly recommend to get your hands on the pdf if you haven’t read the book already. Some of the typographic works by his studio can also be seen on Fonts In Use.

English Pronunciation Illustrated by John Trim (Cambridge University Press, 1975) 2
Source: Ken Garland & Associates. License: All Rights Reserved.
English Pronunciation Illustrated by John Trim (Cambridge University Press, 1975) 3
Source: Cambridge University Press. License: All Rights Reserved.
English Pronunciation Illustrated by John Trim (Cambridge University Press, 1975) 4
Source: Cambridge University Press. License: All Rights Reserved.

1 Comment on “English Pronunciation Illustrated by John Trim (Cambridge University Press, 1975)”

  1. Here’s another cover from Cambridge’s Language Learning Series. It likewise uses Bembo and speech balloons – in a very different way, but again with an idea derived from the content and the book’s title.

    Image: Le-Livre.

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