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PAGE 05.2018, “Brand Storys gestalten”

Contributed by Revolver Type Foundry on Apr 17th, 2018. Artwork published in
April 2018
PAGE 05.2018, “Brand Storys gestalten” 1
Source: PAGE. License: All Rights Reserved.

Mondial is prominently featured in the current issue of PAGE, the leading German graphic design magazine. Revolver Type Foundry’s revival of Hans Bohn’s 1930s Didone comes in two subfamilies, Mondial Display and Mondial Text.

PAGE chose the latter, with its wider proportions and sturdier strokes, and exclusively uses its italics. Mondial appears on the magazine cover as well as for headlines and pull quotes. The other typefaces shown are from PAGE’s standard typographic palette, see this previous entry on Fonts In Use.

Art Direction: Christine Krawinkel. Design: Rebecca von Hoff.
Cover photography: Ziska Thalhammer, Linett/Fotolia

PAGE 05.2018, “Brand Storys gestalten” 2
Photo: Revolver Type Foundry. License: All Rights Reserved.
PAGE 05.2018, “Brand Storys gestalten” 3
Photo: Revolver Type Foundry. License: All Rights Reserved.
Pull quote featuring Mondial Text’s guillemets (»«), the standard quotation marks used by German typographers, and an ffi ligature.
Photo: Revolver Type Foundry. License: All Rights Reserved.

Pull quote featuring Mondial Text’s guillemets (»«), the standard quotation marks used by German typographers, and an ffi ligature.

PAGE 05.2018, “Brand Storys gestalten” 5
Photo: Revolver Type Foundry. License: All Rights Reserved.
Detail from the cover, featuring Mondial Text Italic placed in circular speech balloons.
Photo: Revolver Type Foundry. License: All Rights Reserved.

Detail from the cover, featuring Mondial Text Italic placed in circular speech balloons.




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