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Dan Auerbach – Waiting On A Song album art

Contributed by Garrison Martin on Aug 5th, 2019. Artwork published in
June 2017
Dan Auerbach – Waiting On A Song album art
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Waiting on a Song is the second studio album by Dan Auerbach who is best known as the guitarist and vocalist for The Black Keys. It’s the first release from Auerbach’s own label, Easy Eye Sound. The artist’s name uses Hollywood Shaded AKA Cinema One. I’m pretty sure it’s made using a scan – I’m not aware of a digital version. The album title is set in caps from Chisel. Design by Perry Shall, with photography by Alysse Gafkjen.

3 Comments on “Dan Auerbach – Waiting On A Song album art”

  1. Interesting! Chisel is an inline version of Latin Bold Condensed, made at Stephenson Blake. On the suggestion of Robert Harling, punchcutter H. Karl Görner cut an inline into the letterforms – the result is an “intelligent refining of an old and rather unattractive face”, according to the foundry. In this version, the remaining interior has been removed, too. It’s Chisel Hollow! I’m not aware of a ready-made font.

  2. I used all letraset or scanned letters to create this art so all type is slightly altered and not found as shown.

  3. Perry, thanks for chiming in!

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