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The Garda Memorial Garden

Contributed by Letters from Sweden on Sep 26th, 2012. Artwork published in .
Detail showing the carved dual-language granite plinth leading into the memorial garden.
Source: Anne Brady. License: All Rights Reserved.

Detail showing the carved dual-language granite plinth leading into the memorial garden.

The Garda Memorial Garden, or Gairdín Cuimhneacháin an Gharda Síochána, is located in the heart of Dublin city. This memorial is a contemplative garden with large stone plinths and a lot of names and numbers. The list of names, this “roll of honor,” records individual police officers (gardaí) who have lost their lives violently and tragically in the line of duty since the formation of the Irish state in 1921.

An example of an uppercase “G” and “A” carved in granite and infilled.
Source: Anne Brady. License: All Rights Reserved.

An example of an uppercase “G” and “A” carved in granite and infilled.

The stonecutter placed full-sized printed sheets onto the stone before carving.
Source: Anne Brady. License: All Rights Reserved.

The stonecutter placed full-sized printed sheets onto the stone before carving.

The Garda Memorial Garden 4
Source: Anne Brady. License: All Rights Reserved.




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