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-BOV research project

Contributed by Elena Donets on Jul 6th, 2018. Artwork published in
October 2017
    -BOV research project 1
    Source: Elena Donets. License: All Rights Reserved.

    -БОВ (-BOV) is a research project about the life and creation of the Russian literary critic, journalist, poet and revolutionary democrat Nikolay Dobrolyubov (1836–1861).

    Nikolay Dobrolyubov was a very mysterious person. He lived only twenty-five years, and this left a significant imprint on the number of testimonies about his life. Memories about Dobrolyubov are fragmentary and very brief. Dobrolyubov was a true polymath, and his short life was full of literary activity. However, the critic never signed his real name. Instead, he briefly signed “-BOV”. The purpose of this event is to explore a life of the Dobrolyubov and to open the veil of secrecy over this outstanding person.

    An idea of the identity is “veils” that hide various elements and dynamically change their position, expanding and decreasing horizontally. The main elements of style are famous quotes from Dobrolyubov, for which Times New Roman was used, various photos of the speakers at the event, paintings of Dobrolyubov, and facts from his biography. For the logo of the event I chose Akzidenz-Grotesk, because it very well represents the bold character of the critic. See the full project at Behance.

    -BOV research project 2
    Source: Elena Donets. License: All Rights Reserved.
    -BOV research project 3
    Source: Elena Donets. License: All Rights Reserved.
    -BOV research project 4
    Source: Elena Donets. License: All Rights Reserved.
    -BOV research project 5
    Source: Elena Donets. License: All Rights Reserved.
    -BOV research project 6
    Source: Elena Donets. License: All Rights Reserved.
    -BOV research project 7
    Source: Elena Donets. License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Times New Roman
    • Akzidenz-Grotesk
    • Akzidenz-Grotesk Condensed




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