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Second City Volume 1, Number 6

Contributed by Garrison Martin on Jul 24th, 2018. Artwork published in .
Second City Volume 1, Number 6
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Second City Volume 1, Number 6 by a group of students from Chicago in late 1968. It mostly covered social issues of the day.

The editors of Second City declared the purpose of the paper in the first issue published on November 23, 1968: “Second City is not intended to be just another ‘underground’ newspaper. Second City is intended to be a voice of the Movement in Chicago… It will be owned and managed democratically by its staff which will represent the entire spectrum of all those engaged in the struggle against war, racism, poverty, oppression, and the denial of civil and human rights.” — Graeme Evenson, DePaul University Library

2 Comments on “Second City Volume 1, Number 6”

  1. That is really beautiful! Thanks for posting.

  2. And, sadly, we’re still waiting for the goddamn war to stop.

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