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Performance movie posters

Contributed by Matthijs Sluiter on Oct 27th, 2019. Artwork published in .
US half sheet poster, using Granby and Helvetica.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

US half sheet poster, using Granby and Helvetica.

US and UK posters for Performance (1970), a pychedelic drama starring James Fox and Mick Jagger, written and directed by Donald Cammell (with co-direction by Nicoals Roeg).

(…)This gender-bending British film which signalled the end of the 1960s in something of the same way as the Altamont concert — the era of love and peace was morphing into a time of violence and madness, and this movie classically reflects that transition. “Performance” was not a great commercial success at the time of its release, and was treated more of an independent/arthouse affair than a large studio release (…). —

Like the two main actors with their double roles, the movie title comes set in two different typefaces. Contrary to what one might expect, the original United Kingdom release posters use Futura, whereas the United States posters use the all-English Granby with its lozenge-shaped tittles and periods.

See also this Australian day bill poster, that adds Annonce to the mix.

UK quad poster using multiple weights of Futura.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

UK quad poster using multiple weights of Futura.

Advertisement or poster for a showing of the movie in the West End theater, London.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Advertisement or poster for a showing of the movie in the West End theater, London.

US poster. A sticker was added, promoting the soundtrack performed by Mick Jagger.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

US poster. A sticker was added, promoting the soundtrack performed by Mick Jagger.

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