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Socovos magazine 2018

Contributed by Julián Garnés García on Oct 9th, 2018. Artwork published in
July 2018
    Socovos magazine 2018 1
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    A passport-like program magazine for the 2018 edition of the holiday fair and festivities in the village of Socovos. See also the posts about the La imagen del tiempo and the magazine from 2014 for more publications about Socovos by Rubio & del Amo.

    Socovos is a municipality in Albacete, Castile-La Mancha, Spain. It has a population of 1,986. — Wikipedia

    Socovos magazine 2018 2
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    Photo: Julián Garnés García. License: All Rights Reserved.
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    License: All Rights Reserved.
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    License: All Rights Reserved.
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    License: All Rights Reserved.
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    License: All Rights Reserved.
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    License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Beatrice Display
    • LL Akkurat
    • Mafra




    Artwork location

    1 Comment on “Socovos magazine 2018”

    1. Felicito a cliente y diseñadores por ofrecer un programa de fiestas completamente distinto al que estamos acostumbrados.
      Espero que haya gustado mucho y contribuya a hacer desaparecer esas grandes y pesadas publicaciones en papel couché, repletas de anuncios locales que solo miran quienes los pagan.
      Este pasaporte nos hará conocer o recordar Socovos, incluso aunque solo lo tengamos virtualmente.

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