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[non-binary] short documentary

Contributed by Oskar Hannu on Oct 12th, 2018. Artwork published in
September 2015
    Movie poster.
    License: All Rights Reserved.

    Movie poster.

    Short documentary starring Swedish transgender activist and photographer Freja Lindberg (pronouns: they/them).

    The logo mixes Bodoni Mutant and Poster Bodoni Italic. The square brackets symbolize the need to define and explain. Defining and explaining transgender issues for everyone to understand.

    Freja explains how their everyday life as a non-binary transgender person is influencing their art, and vice versa. They discovered activism through photography as a young teenager. Since their breakthrough on Instagram, Freja is now one of the major voices in the Swedish transgender debate.

    Stills from the documentary.
    License: All Rights Reserved.

    Stills from the documentary.

    [non-binary] short documentary 3
    License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Bodoni Mutant
    • Poster Bodoni




    Artwork location

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