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Alice by Lewis Carroll (Eric Losfeld)

Contributed by Fonts In Use Staff on May 24th, 2021. Artwork published in .
Alice by Lewis Carroll (Eric Losfeld) 1
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Alexis Orloff and tagged with “romantiquesno5”. License: All Rights Reserved.

A version of the ornamented caps known as Romantiques No. 5 / Bracelet, together with wide roman caps from an unidentified typeface, on the jacket of a book about Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, published by Eric Losfeld in 1969, featuring the original illustrations by John Tenniel. Alice racontée aux petits enfants and Poésies pour Alice (French text by Henri Parisot) is followed by Lettres à des enfants (French text by Jacques Papy)

Alice by Lewis Carroll (Eric Losfeld) 2
Source: Photo: capitainecap (edited). License: All Rights Reserved.

3 Comments on “Alice by Lewis Carroll (Eric Losfeld)”

  1. There are other Romantiques (different than the 2nd or the 5th), like for example, Number 1, Number 3 and Number 4.

  2. Florian, can you agree?

  3. Didn’t realize it was a question! Yes, there are more Romantiques. The information compiled and shared by Anna on THP is sound (and she discloses all her sources). The Type Heritage Project is a great resource.

    My understanding is that FTF introduced this name for their 20th-century foundry type revival of a number of ornamented faces originally cut in the 19th century (although I haven’t confirmed this via FTF specimens myself). The Romantique name was popularized by VGC, who had adopted this series (1–5) for phototypesetting before 1972.

    I will add entries for the missing typefaces to our database when I find time for it. So far, there wasn’t a cause because we didn’t receive any in-use example for these typefaces. Are you aware of a nice application of Romantique No. 1, 3, or 4?

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