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Die vergessene Kunst, ein Geschenk zu machen

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Nov 15th, 2012. Artwork published in .
Die vergessene Kunst, ein Geschenk zu machen 1
Source: ItYt – I think You think. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Lost Art of Making a Gift is an extraordinary Advent calendar. Each of its 24 tear-off sheets holds an unconventional gift idea.

The term “Lost Art” was deliberately chosen, encouraging people to reconsider the holiday season as an opportunity for doing unique favors, instead of a period that is dominated by shopping stress.

The aim of the gift ideas is to remind us of the magic of an unexpected present, and so to stimulate the creativity of the donor. The suggested gifts are suitable for children and adults, for lovers and adventurers, for idols, best friends, and missed opportunities – ideas that seduce to take action.

The calendar is published by NKR – Initiative Leben schenken. This organization’s mission is to motivate healthy people to get registered as potential stem cell donors. Unfortunately, the cost of the necessary test is not covered by health insurance or other public facilities. For a donation of 10 euros you can buy our charity calendar and do something good: All proceeds will be used exclusively for building up the stem cell donor registry, so that humans suffering from leukemia can be given the chance for a new life.

ItYt – I think You think

The Hanover-based designers combined illustration and handwriting with two fresh typefaces. Caput (2006–2010) is a contemporary sans serif by Natascha Dell and Kai Oetzbach of Fontfarm. For titles and dates, ItYt picked Trigot (2010), a modernized modular blackletter drawn by Michael Hübner and published with another German indie label, Volcano Type.

Die vergessene Kunst, ein Geschenk zu machen 2
Source: ItYt – I think You think. License: All Rights Reserved.
Die vergessene Kunst, ein Geschenk zu machen 3
Source: ItYt – I think You think. License: All Rights Reserved.

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