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The Blue Flowers by Raymond Queneau (New Directions)

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Dec 29th, 2018. Artwork published in .
    The Blue Flowers by Raymond Queneau (New Directions) 1
    Source: Peter Mendelsund for New Directions. License: All Rights Reserved.

    New Directions’ 2018 reissue of The Blue Flowers, written by Raymond Queneau and originally published in 1965. Translation by Barbara Wright. Sara Wood write in Lit Hub’s “The 75 Best Book Covers Of 2018 According To Book Cover Designers”:

    This cover further cements Peter Mendelsund’s status as a master of contemporary book cover design. From the type selection to the graphic rendering of the collaged artwork, it tells you everything that you need to know in one fell swoop: this is a bold, wacky work of 20th century surrealism (dare I say that it gives me Monty Python vibes?) that has a rightful place in any 21st century library.

    The fonts in use are Milton Glaser’s Futura Stencil AKA Glaser Stencil (1969) and Sackers Italian Script, designed in 1974–75 by Gary Sackers for Compugraphic.

    The publisher’s website shows a less elaborate, faceless version. I hope this is a placeholder image.
    Source: New Directions. License: All Rights Reserved.

    The publisher’s website shows a less elaborate, faceless version. I hope this is a placeholder image.

    The back cover is set in .
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    The back cover is set in Windsor.


    • Glaser Stencil
    • Sackers Italian Script
    • Windsor




    Artwork location

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