This logo for the fictional company from Back to Future II (1989) uses Peignot Bold for “ENTERPRISES” (“Biffco” is custom lettering). The company is owned by the movie’s antagonist, Biff Tannen. Within the story, the logo dates from 2015. It comes from a sticker which was used in the set.
The stickers used in the movie. The photo is watermarked “BTTF MUSEUM” (in Monotype Corsiva), as it is from the Back to the Future Museum in Italy, which had acquired it from The matchbooks with the simpler logo, which use no identifiable type, are much more prominent in the movie.
Still I took myself from the movie Back to the Future II, which is owned by Universal Pictures. License: All Rights Reserved.
I was not able to find a more prominent instance of the specific logo, though the design with the circle with face on it was used on Biff’s robe.
Still I took myself from the movie Back to the Future II, which is owned by Universal Pictures. License: All Rights Reserved.
Old version of the logo, with handpainted letters that resemble Serpentine Bold Italic.