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Anaptár 2019

Contributed by Anna Farkas on Mar 11th, 2019. Artwork published in .
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.

Hoefler & Co’s Archer typeface is used in nearly all typography for Anaptár — a unique, informative poster calendar, which is not only a work of beauty but also a source of fascinating new discoveries. This is much more than a traditional calendar. It provides lots of information beside enumerating days, like visualizing data on the sun and the moon in a new way. The calendar shows the movement of these planets in the sky, and because of the radial arrangement this huge amount of data is incorporated in a spectacular, complex and yet easily comprehensible system.

There have been other calendars with circular designs, but this data visualizing method is unprecedented. It literally makes astronomic correlations visible.

I conducted a survey some years ago on how people see a year. It turned out that almost everyone saw it linearly. It seemed that it was cyclical only in my head, that is I saw it in a unique way. The Moon has fascinated me since I was a child. I wonder why it appears at different heights and in different sizes in different phases of its cycle. This curiosity led me to design the first Anaptár, the creation of which is a rather meticulous but loveable task for me.” — Anna Farkas

Anaptár is the result of exceptionally meticulous work: all the versions made for various cities are different because the represented data are specific to the given city only.

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Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.
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Photo: Anna Farkas. License: All Rights Reserved.

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