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Nick Waterhouse – Nick Waterhouse album art

Contributed by Mark Davis on Mar 24th, 2019. Artwork published in
March 2019
Nick Waterhouse – Nick Waterhouse album art 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Nick’s songs here are personal, but personal in the way that “Please Mr. Postman,” “What’s Going On” and “Cathy’s Clown” are — intimate, direct, yet still malleable enough for listeners to suffuse their own life stories into the mix. “Adapt or die",” Nick wails, sardonically, on crime-jazz blitz “Black Glass”, telling you all you need to know about his process. — Nick Waterhouse

Nick Waterhouse’s 2019 self-titled LP is typeset and fashioned to evoke the style of his nostalgic R&B music, while echoing modern typography trends brought back from the past. Cover photograph: Matthew Correia.

The sparkle of the 1940’s Radiant Bold Extra Condensed is a period-appropriate, high-contrast type choice that visually resembles the sonic experience of brass horn sections prominent in his music. In addition, it cleverly uses a vintage typeface that resonates with 2018–2019 design trend of using high-contrast typefaces such as Miguel Reyes’s Canela (2016). The Radiant Extra Condensed typeface is also notable in reference to H&Co’s Peristyle (2017), a high-contrast adaptation of Tungsten to homage Radiant in addition to Morris Fuller Benton’s Empire (1937).

Nick Waterhouse – Nick Waterhouse album art 2
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

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