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Rewiring the Spy

Contributed by Caren Litherland on Jun 8th, 2019. Artwork published in
December 2006
A moment from “Rewiring the Spy” by Lisa Strausfeld and James Nick Sears.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

A moment from “Rewiring the Spy” by Lisa Strausfeld and James Nick Sears.

“‘For me,’” says Lisa Strausfeld in a profile by Fast Company, “‘[the screen] was always a space. It was a space you can enter.’”

For the lead story of the New York Times Magazine on December 3, 2006, Strausfeld (then a Pentagram partner) and James Nick Sears programmed an applet linking keywords (here, the names of terrorists and events associated with them) that become larger, bolder, and more animated the more frequently they connect in a database.

A C-print output from a screenshot taken while the program was running is now in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.

Watch Lisa Strausfeld talk about “Immersive Information” on June 15 at Typographics. Fonts In Use is proud to be a media partner of the conference. See more work by speakers of the 2019 edition.

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