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Die Welt wird jung by Charles A. Reich (Molden)

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Jun 19th, 2019. Artwork published in .
Die Welt wird jung by Charles A. Reich (Molden) 1
Source: Antiquariat Birgit Gerl (edited). License: All Rights Reserved.

The German translation of The Greening of America was published by Fritz Molden Verlag in 1971. While the American editions reveled in swashes, the designer of this cover went for another 1970s fad: geometric multiline faces with varicolored fill. What looks a lot like Filmsense by Push Pin Studios is actually a German knockoff named Expressa Color Line. It’s different in a number of details, here most notably in a and g, cf. this cover designed by Seymour Chwast with Filmsense in 1969.

The subtitle “Der gewaltlose Aufstand der neuen Generation” (“The nonviolent uprising of the new generation”) uses Caslon Black, designed by Dave Farey and issued by Letraset in 1969. Both typfaces, Expressa Color Line and Caslon Black, were available from Typeshop, a photosetting chain with offices in Linz and Vienna, among other places.

Die Welt wird jung by Charles A. Reich (Molden) 2
Source: Der Buchfreund (edited). License: All Rights Reserved.




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