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Sagra Parrocchiale 2019, Modena

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Sep 18th, 2019. Artwork published in .
Sagra Parrocchiale 2019, Modena 1
Claudio Piccinini. License: All Rights Reserved.

Sagre parrochiali are small fairs held on an annual basis, to celebrate the parish’s titular saint, and to foster fraternal conviviality. Claudio Piccinini designed a poster for this year’s sagra of the Parrocchia di San Francesco in Modena. Italy.

The title typeface is Carmin by Théo Guillard. A preliminary version was released via Future Fonts in May 2019. Piccinini comments:

The parish is dedicated to Saint Francis, so I found the innovative uncial shapes just fine for this occasion. And I liked how well Carmin paired with the paintings by José Benlliure y Gil (1855–1937), a masterful Spanish painter from the 19th century.

The text typeface is Quadraat by Fred Smeijers.

Detail. Piccinini mentions he had to add the ì (i with grave accent) himself. This character is not yet included in v0.1 of Carmin. On Future Fonts, type designers can sell experimental work that still is in progress.
Quadraat is used in roman and italic styles, with small caps and oldstyle figures.
Claudio Piccinini. License: All Rights Reserved.

Detail. Piccinini mentions he had to add the ì (i with grave accent) himself. This character is not yet included in v0.1 of Carmin. On Future Fonts, type designers can sell experimental work that still is in progress.
Quadraat is used in roman and italic styles, with small caps and oldstyle figures.




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