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Hard Tourismus logo

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Nov 4th, 2019. Artwork published in
circa 1979
Ink and whiteout on cardboard, 57×48 cm.
Image © Triest Verlag. License: All Rights Reserved.

Ink and whiteout on cardboard, 57×48 cm.

Logotype for the tourist board of the Marktgemeinde Hard, Austria, the home town of Othmar Motter and his studio Vorarlberger Grafik. While this mechanical is obviously hand-drawn, using ink and whiteout, it appears to be based on a typeface. Not one of Motter’s many own designs, but a heavy display face designed by German graphic artist Peter Steiner sometime before 1973. Black Pepper was available for phototypesetting from Anton Herkner Graphisches Atelier Stuttgart. The wordmark was drawn in the late 1970s. It’s not clear if it ever was put to use.

The image is reproduced with kind permission of Triest Verlag. Earlier this year, Triest has published the long-awaited Motter biography, edited and designed by Elias Riedmann and titled Othmar Motter – Meister der Extrabold (“Master of the Extrabold”).




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