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Guitar In Velvet (Grand Award)

Photo(s) by Bart Solenthaler. Imported from Flickr on Nov 26, 2019. Artwork published in .
Guitar In Velvet (Grand Award)
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by Bart Solenthaler and tagged with “filmotypekitten”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Guitar In Velvet by George Barnes and His Octet was released by Grand Award Records in 1957. The cover features a painting by Tracy Sugarman, titled The Touch of Beauty.

The title is set in Filmotype Kitten, an energetic brush script with reversed contrast that was issued two years earlier, in 1955. Alejandro Paul made a digital revival in 2012. The “Grand Award” logo uses Caslon 540 Italic, with roman capitals. Other fonts in use include Futura,Venus Extended, and Century Schoolbook Italic for the art credit.

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