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IJsfrica Nederland

Photo(s) by isoletters. Imported from Flickr on Jan 5, 2020.
IJsfrica Nederland
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by isoletters and tagged with “helvetica”. License: CC BY-NC-SA.

Unie van ijsbereiders en cafetariahouders (Association of ice-cream producers and cafeteria owners)

The name of the association seems to be a combination of three elements: ‘ijs’ (ice cream), ‘fri’ (from patates frites = French fries) and ‘ca’ (from cafetaria). In publications from the 1960s and 70s, the name of the association (and of an identically named trade fair) is given with reference to these three lines of business.




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1 Comment on “IJsfrica Nederland”

  1. Juan Ruiz says:
    Jan 21st, 2020 5:39 am

    Personally, one of my favorite fonts. Simplistic, bold and perfect for background fonts. The attention is to “ijsfrica” using the oxford font. Helvetica is used to speak on what is needed to be said without taking the attention of the bolder, larger, red “ijsfrica”.

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