Various posters feature its Bold weight, with tight letterspacing and often with contoured letterforms. On the US One Sheet poster shown directly below, Cassandre’s 1937 design can be see with alternating glyph colors and a shower of stars. The initial B and the double l were lowered so that they sit flush with the other letters (except for the b), further increasing the whimsical appeal of Peignot. In Ugo Tognazzi’s name, the G had to lose its descender, for a vertically more compact line.
US One Sheet (27″×41″). The tagline at the top left uses Helvetica Italic. “See [Barbarella] do her thing!” is added in what looks like Standard Condensed. The names of John Phillip Law and Marcel Marceau are set in Galaxy, and the music credits in the box might be Lightline Gothic..