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Sory Bamba – Du Mali album art, Africa Seven logo

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Apr 3rd, 2020. Artwork published in .
Sory Bamba – Du Mali album art, Africa Seven logo 1
Source: Photo: Mr Bongo (Edited). License: All Rights Reserved.

Poell Shaded in prominent use on the cover of the third album by Malian musician Sor(r)y Bamba (b. 1938), originally released in 1979 on Sonafric. The images show the 2016 reissue by Africa Seven, with largely unchanged artwork.

The all-caps Poell Shaded is part of a family of typefaces designed by Erwin Poell and released by Berthold Fototypes in 1972. ITC Korinna was used for setting the text on the back cover. The Africa Seven logo is based on Sinaloa.

Sory Bamba – Du Mali album art, Africa Seven logo 2
Source: Africa Seven. License: All Rights Reserved.
Sory Bamba – Du Mali album art, Africa Seven logo 3
Source: Photo: Mr Bongo (Edited). License: All Rights Reserved.
The Africa Seven logo (London/Paris, ca. 2014) is set in . The second line was tracked out to match the width of the first one, resulting in a somewhat gappy look.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

The Africa Seven logo (London/Paris, ca. 2014) is set in Sinaloa. The second line was tracked out to match the width of the first one, resulting in a somewhat gappy look.

1 Comment on “Sory Bamba – Du Mali album art, Africa Seven logo”

  1. Crack (Out of the Dark, 2011, top) and Tuba (Canada Type, 2009–10, bottom) are two digital typefaces inspired by Poell. Neither includes a shaded style. The latter stays much closer to the original shapes. The former may have more appeal for contemporary use.

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