Ben Pieratt built the cart. Now he needs a horse.
Contributed by Stephen Coles on Feb 1st, 2013. Artwork published in
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6 Comments on “Hessian”
I’m a Hessian and I can’t make any sense of this, at all. But maybe this will open the market for all the wonderful, horrible, clumsy, overly trendy, brilliant, useless fake companies and designs our students set up for Uni every semester.
Wow. A massive, gushing graphic design community reach-around and some cerebral, san-serfied design philosophies turn a standard Brandbucket “spec brand” into a masterpiece. How incredibly hessian!
I don’t see how this is spec. It’s work without a context that can be given to someone upon purchase.
Did the client write a spec sheet and bait Pieratt into a pitch war or promise him $300, a twelve pack and a t-shirt? Nope. Not spec. Foaming at the mouth when something isn’t the usual format could be a bad kneejerk reaction to exhibit, Spec Brand.
What’s with the haters? Ben is a great guy who has a ton more ideas than just this. He is a font (pardon the pun) of creativity that I only wish I could be. This here is a neat exercise that follows the above Landor quote suitably — hardly something worth deriding.
“Overly trendy?” If you are really that jaded, you should leave the business and take up gardening.
You clearly don’t understand the concept of speculative work, Robb. Spec brands (like those on Brandbucket), just like spec scripts (in the movie industry), are creative works done for no pay, on your own time, in the hopes that you can get someone to buy them. That’s exactly what Hessian is.
I’m sure this Ben fellow is a great guy with a lot of creative ideas. I made no claims to the contrary. If he can get someone to pay him $18K for this brand, more power to him. Its just that people or companies who have $18K to spend on branding usually have their own strong ideas and vision related to their product or serivce. The chance that Hessian will magically be exactly what they’re looking and willing to pay for is highly speculative.
Down10, I don’t see multiple “haters” here. Maybe you misunderstood Indra’s comment. She wasn’t directly applying those descriptions to Hessian, just describing the fictional work like this that she often sees in design classes.