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Why Women Need the Equal Rights Amendment by Dianne Feeley

Contributed by Elizabeth Goodspeed on Jun 19th, 2020. Artwork published in .
    Why Women Need the Equal Rights Amendment by Dianne Feeley 1
    License: All Rights Reserved.

    A collection of essays, published as a staple-bound pamphlet, supporting the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), a then-proposed amendment to the United States Constitution designed to guarantee equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of sex. Booklet contains “The Case for the Equal Rights Amendment” by Diane Feeley, “What are Equal Rights?” by the Socialist Workers Party 1970, and a list of additional readings in women’s liberation from the publisher, Pathfinder Press. Cover set in Antique Olive Bold.

    Why Women Need the Equal Rights Amendment by Dianne Feeley 2
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
    Why Women Need the Equal Rights Amendment by Dianne Feeley 3
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Antique Olive




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