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Chess Traps, Pitfalls & Swindles by I.A. Horowitz & Fred Reinfeld (Simon & Schuster)

Contributed by Garrison Martin on Jun 29th, 2020. Artwork published in .
    Chess Traps, Pitfalls & Swindles by I.A. Horowitz & Fred Reinfeld (Simon & Schuster) 1
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    The all-caps Railroad Gothic used in two sizes, stacked and justified, on Milton Glaser’s cover design for a chess book written by Israel Albert Horowitz and Fred Reinfeld and first published by Simon & Schuster in 1954.

    Railroad Gothic’s design varies greatly across the sizes. For example, the 42pt cut has an S that is much wider, while the bar of its A is lower than in some other sizes. In the smaller size used on the cover, T is too wide, certainly when seen next to the dense O or H. The authors’ names are shown in News Gothic, rotated. The synopsis on the back cover appears to be set in News Gothic Condensed, with the bolder Alternate Gothic for emphasis.

    The book is still in print, with the same basic cover design. From the back cover:

    Chess Traps, Pitfalls, and Swindles is a rich storehouse of Chess ‘crimes.’ Sometimes the villain is thwarted: more often he gets away with his nefarious deeds. But, in either event, the tales, and their telling, will prove to be instructive and vastly entertaining.

    8th printing, 1972. The same design was still used for the 13th paperback printing in 1976.
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    8th printing, 1972. The same design was still used for the 13th paperback printing in 1976.


    • Railroad Gothic
    • News Gothic
    • Alternate Gothic




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