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Cycladic Museum Night & Day 2012

Contributed by George Triantafyllakos on Aug 5th, 2020. Artwork published in .
Cycladic Museum Night & Day 2012 1
Photo: BOB Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.

BPmono was used by Athens-based Bob Studio in the communication design for the “Museum Night & Day” event at the Museum of Cycladic Art in 2012, including poster, banner, invitation and web design.

The event is an annual anniversary, celebrating European Night of Museums, in the spirit of an all-day and all-night museum week. During a late-night opening, visitors can discover, for free, museums’ collections and all the special events organised for the festival.

The Night of Museums aims to make museums more accessible to the general public and in particular to a new younger public and to federate a network of European museums around a common festive and friendly event.

Cycladic Museum Night & Day 2012 2
Photo: BOB Studio. License: All Rights Reserved.




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