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War It Is! Through Volunteer’s Eyes photobook

Contributed by Andrij Shevchenko on Aug 4th, 2020. Artwork published in .
War It Is! Through Volunteer’s Eyes photobook 1
Source: Lyuta Sprava. License: All Rights Reserved.

From Luta Sprava (translated and edited):

Через війну. Погляд волонтера (“War It Is! Through Volunteer’s Eyes”) is a photobook by Dmytro Muravsky. It’s the result of the three-year work by the team of the social volunteer project “When the war ends …”. The project’s photobase is more than three terabytes of memory, several tens of thousands of files, of which only a few have been made public.
The time interval and geography of photographic works cover the whole zone of the current Russian war against Ukraine on Donbas, from December 2013 to June 2017. All the photographs and stories are real, made and assembled on the front as a result of volunteer activity in different directions. In some cases, due to objective reasons, geographic names and hero names have been changed.

Photos and texts by Dmytro Muravsky (Дмитро Муравський). Design and layout by Maksym Deyneka (Максим Дейнека) and Svitlana Yeresova (Світлана Єресова). The hardcover edition has 280 pages, measures 260×290×30 mm, and was published in 2017 by Luta Sprava. The typography pairs the slab-serif Bandera with the sans-serif ZionTrain, both designed by Andrij Shevchenko for AndrijType.

War It Is! Through Volunteer’s Eyes photobook 2
Source: Lyuta Sprava. License: All Rights Reserved.
War It Is! Through Volunteer’s Eyes photobook 3
Source: Lyuta Sprava. License: All Rights Reserved.
War It Is! Through Volunteer’s Eyes photobook 4
Source: Lyuta Sprava. License: All Rights Reserved.




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