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Israeli Folk Dances (Third Series, Israel Music Foundation) album art

Contributed by Florian Hardwig on Aug 2nd, 2020. Artwork published in .
Israeli Folk Dances (Third Series, Israel Music Foundation) album art
Source: Internet Archive (edited). License: All Rights Reserved.

Filmotype Gem on the cover of Israeli Folk Dances (Third Series), featuring Martha Schlamme, Mort Freeman, Rachel Hadass, Theodore Bikel, recorded by the Israel Folk Dance Orchestra with conductors Elyakum Shapira and Amitai Ne’eman, and released by the Israel Music Foundation, Cedarhurst, New York, in 1957.

Additional typefaces include Franklin Gothic Condensed, Alternate Gothic No. 3, Century Bold Condensed Italic and Bold Italic, and an unidentified sans with similarities to Akzidenz-Grotesk or Gothic No. 578, used in all caps for “Israel Folk Dance Orchestra”.

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