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Bestattungen Carl Cissée, Braunschweig

Photo(s) by monsieur ADRIEN. Imported from Flickr on Oct 22, 2020.
Bestattungen Carl Cissée, Braunschweig
Source: Uploaded to Flickr by monsieur ADRIEN and tagged with “forelle” and “helvetica”. License: All Rights Reserved.

Forelle in use for the neon sign of Bestattungen Carl Cissée, a funeral parlor in Braunschweig, Germany. The robust script designed by Erich Mollowitz and first cast in 1936 used to be a popular choice among German sign makers: It’s the third time that Monsieur Adrien has spotted Forelle on his lettering expeditions, see also the signs for a goldsmith in Hamburg and a furniture store in Halle. In the latter example, the script is paired with grotesk caps to the left, just as on the Cissée shop front.




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1 Comment on “Bestattungen Carl Cissée, Braunschweig”

  1. Bestattungen Carl Cissée was established in 1886. The premises on Fallersleber Straße were inaugurated after the previous building was destroyed in 1944.

    The logo in Forelle has been used at least for several decades. The company’s Facebook page has a photo showing their fleet of funeral coaches, possibly from the 1950s or 1960s. The doors show the light weight of Forelle. Chances are that the neon sign is from around the same period.

    Photo: Bestattungen Carl Cissée.

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