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The Explorers app

Contributed by Production Type on Dec 3rd, 2020. Artwork published in .
The Explorers app 1
The Explorers. License: All Rights Reserved.

The Explorers is an organization devoted to the valorization of our natural heritage. Through a video inventory of cultural and natural resources, the Explorers want to show the beauty and diversity of our planet, all accessible in 4K HDR and 8K HDR, with an app for mobile devices and tablets. The Explorers also created a non-profit organization in order to support different projects of natural conservation.

The development of the mobile and tablet app was given to Getup Agency. They used Mars Condensed for titling in the mobile version: the narrow shapes of this font are actually very suitable for the verticality associated with this medium. Even though Mars Condensed offers a large number of characters per line, it is not its only advantage. Its design inspiration, based on vernacular signs found in different cities of North America and beyond, make it a sensible typeface with a strong personality. Using a font infused with vernacular touches for an organization promoting the richness of our natural, but also cultural and human legacy, is a way of expressing it visually, through the very items it aims to preserve.

The images show the iOS app (French language version), where Mars Condensed is paired with San Francisco for text.

The Explorers app 2
The Explorers. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Explorers app 3
The Explorers. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Explorers app 4
The Explorers. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Explorers app 5
The Explorers. License: All Rights Reserved.
The Explorers app 6
The Explorers. License: All Rights Reserved.




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