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Werkstätten für Deutschen Hausrat ad (1906)

Photo(s) by altpapiersammler. Imported from Flickr on Nov 26, 2020. Artwork published in .
    Werkstätten für Deutschen Hausrat ad (1906) 1
    Source: Uploaded to Flickr by altpapiersammler and tagged with “behrensschrift”. License: All Rights Reserved.

    Ad for Theophil Müller’s “Workshops for German household goods” from 1906, set in Behrens-Schrift. The firm in Dresden claimed to “manufacture good and cheap household items, individual pieces of furniture, and entire home furnishings, based on designs by outstanding artists and with the constant collaboration of Gertrud Kleinhempel and Margarete Junge.

    Together with her fellow student Margarete Junge, Gertrud Kleinhempel (1875–1948) designed the first pieces of furniture for the newly founded Dresdner Werkstätten für Handwerkskunst, later known as Deutsche Werkstätten Hellerau. As early as 1902 she left the Deutsche Werkstätten and started working for Müller’s rival company. From 1907 to 1938 she was the head of the textile class at the Bielefeld School of Crafts and Applied Arts, and a charter member of the Deutscher Werkbund in 1907. In 1921, Kleinhempel was appointed the first female professor in Prussia.

    Margarete Junge (1874–1966) took part in a number of arts and crafts exhibitions, including the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, USA. She likewise was one of the first artists to become a member of the Werkbund in 1908. Her teaching career began in 1907 at the Dresden School of Applied Arts. In 1915, Junge was appointed the first female professor at the Royal Saxon School of Applied Arts in Dresden. She was removed from office by the Nazis in 1934.

    Behrens-Schrift was designed by Peter Behrens, another founding member of the Werkbund, and released by the Rudhard’sche Gießerei (from 1906 known as Klingspor) in 1901. It’s here used in five different sizes, featuring the long s (ſ) and ligatures for the ch pair. Names are emphasized by the use of letterspacing (Theophil Müller) and all caps (Gertrud Kleinhempel, Margarete Junge).

    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.


    1 Comment on “Werkstätten für Deutschen Hausrat ad (1906)”

    1. Dipl. Werbefachmann K. Egger says:
      Jan 2nd, 2021 8:14 pm

      Tannenberg wie Behrensschrift sind auch hier erhältlich (Tannenberg and Behrensschrift are also available here):…

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