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Precisely (2020 redesign)

Contributed by F37 Foundry on Nov 26th, 2020. Artwork published in
circa October 2020
Precisely (2020 redesign) 1
Archetype–Brands. License: All Rights Reserved.

F37 Ginger Pro by F37 Foundry in use for Precisely. Designed by Archetype—Brands. From F37 Foundry Brand Fonts, in the words of David Moloney, Design Director, Archetype—Brands:

Precise and acurate, a bespoke cut of our F37 Ginger Pro showed off a new leader in the field of data integrity.

Last year, Syncsort acquired Pitney Bowes Software & Data, bringing together decades of experience to create a new leader in the field of data integrity. Now, Archetype—Brands has developed a new brand fit for their sector-leading status, including a vibrant new visual identity, a bold new voice and a new name: Precisely.

F37 are always a pleasure to work with. Ginger Pro was the perfect font for the brand and by making the mods to the l and t, this ensures it fits the brand like a glove. The craft on the r in the logo brings the vital layer of precision to the end result. The team worked through various rounds quickly and methodically and the client is super happy. The new font enhances the digital experience and even a PowerPoint slide somehow has a touch of class.

Precisely (2020 redesign) 2
Archetype–Brands. License: All Rights Reserved.
Precisely (2020 redesign) 3
License: All Rights Reserved.
Precisely (2020 redesign) 4
Archetype–Brands. License: All Rights Reserved.




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