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Pop-O-Matic Trouble board games (1980s)

Contributed by Jayce Wheeled on Dec 9th, 2020. Artwork published in
circa 1986
Trouble by Milton Bradley, a division of Hasbro, Inc., 1986, with game instructions in English and Spanish. Smaller texts additionally feature  and .
Source: mackcat2020. License: All Rights Reserved.

Trouble by Milton Bradley, a division of Hasbro, Inc., 1986, with game instructions in English and Spanish. Smaller texts additionally feature Helvetica and Helvetica Condensed.

From Wikipedia:

Trouble (known as Frustration in the UK and Kimble in Finland) is a board game in which players compete to be the first to send four pieces all the way around a board. Pieces are moved according to the roll of a die. Trouble was developed by the Kohner Brothers and initially manufactured by Irwin Toy Ltd., later by Milton Bradley (now part of Hasbro). The game was launched in America in 1965.

The “Trouble” logo as used for the 1986 edition appears to be based on Letraset’s Frankfurter. The designer added a yellow contour and maybe also made some alterations, resulting in differences regarding the counters of R and B and the middle arm of E.

The “Pop-O-Matic” logo used tightly spaced ITC Avant Garde Gothic Bold. The same typeface is also used for the white text underneath.

Trouble by Hasbro Canada Inc., 1986, with game instructions in English and French. The white text at  the bottom is set in .
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Trouble by Hasbro Canada Inc., 1986, with game instructions in English and French. The white text at the bottom is set in Futura.

Pop-O-Matic Trouble board games (1980s) 3
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
Double Trouble edition, 1987.
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Double Trouble edition, 1987.

The travel edition from 1989 shows the Trouble logo in unmodified , i.e. without contour. “Travel Games” appears to be in another rounded face from 1970, .
Source: sarahsmidcenturyandmore. License: All Rights Reserved.

The travel edition from 1989 shows the Trouble logo in unmodified Frankfurter, i.e. without contour. “Travel Games” appears to be in another rounded face from 1970, Formula.

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Source: sarahsmidcenturyandmore. License: All Rights Reserved.

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