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Suzie Soprano – The Quarantine EP cover

Contributed by Julian Schröpel on Dec 4th, 2020. Artwork published in
circa April 2020
Suzie Soprano – The Quarantine EP cover 1
Photo: Julian Schröpel. License: All Rights Reserved.

Cover artwork and art direction by Julian Schröpel for the EP The Quarantine by Los Angeles based rap artist Suzie Soprano that was never released, but deserves to be shared to inspire us.

This artwork was made during the first months of the pandemic. First it should have only the typeface Cecilia Script as a neon light sign surrounded by the house under lockdown. As well as to aim to create it more or less like a club or a cinema where you watch a movie, but at that happens at home.

Right after that the thought went to creating a world around us and the welded tape. The recommendation infos and little details where decorated with the bold Microgramma typeface. Cecilia Script was used as abstract stretch over the tape to create a more clubby atmosphere on the cover.

Suzie Soprano – The Quarantine EP cover 2
Photo: Julian Schröpel. Julian Schröpel. License: All Rights Reserved.
Suzie Soprano – The Quarantine EP cover 3
Photo: Julian Schröpel. License: All Rights Reserved.
Suzie Soprano – The Quarantine EP cover 4
Photo: Julian Schröpel. License: All Rights Reserved.




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