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Petit Chenin Précieux wine label

Contributed by F37 Foundry on Dec 11th, 2020. Artwork published in
circa 2020
    Petit Chenin Précieux wine label 1
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    Petit Chenin Précieux is a wine collaboration by Arianne Moffat, Frantz Saumon and Vini-Vins. The labels were designed by Harrison Fun, using F37 Bobby by F37 Foundry for the name of the one. Harrison Fun’s use of F37 Bobby compliments the contemporary design. Its subtle geometric characteristics and structure headline creates a statement wordmark.

    Information is set with a combination of Chalet Book (or Chalet 1960?) from House Industries and Berlingske Serif by Playtype.

    Petit Chenin Précieux wine label 2
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
    Petit Chenin Précieux wine label 3
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
    Petit Chenin Précieux wine label 4
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.


    • F37 Bobby
    • Berlingske Serif
    • Chalet Book




    Artwork location

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