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Lõuna exhibition visual system

Contributed by Massimiliano Audretsch on Jan 18th, 2021. Artwork published in
November 2020
Lõuna exhibition visual system 1
Moritz Appich. License: All Rights Reserved.

The exhibition Lõuna (Estonian for “South”) took place in the former Võru Department Store. It was hosted by the photography department of EKA, the Estonian Academy of Arts and showed the result of a week-long summer practice in Väimela, South Estonia in August 2020. The exhibiting students related to the surroundings in Väimela and displayed varying interests, communicated through the lenses of their cameras.

The design by Louise Borinski, Paula Buškevica and Moritz Appich relies on the use of G2 Erika Mono and G2 Erika and consists of a foldable poster that serves as a catalogue and labelling for the physical exhibition. The visuals are based on a collection of drawings and observations that emerged on a two-day trip to Võru.

G2 Erika and G2 Erika Grotesk will be released by Gruppo Due in early 2021.

Lõuna exhibition visual system 2
Moritz Appich. License: All Rights Reserved.
Lõuna exhibition visual system 3
Moritz Appich. License: All Rights Reserved.

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