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Πολιτιστικη magazine covers

Contributed by Maria Paganopoulou on Jun 6th, 2021. Artwork published in
circa 1984
Πολιτιστικη No. 1, January 1984.
Source: Orizontes Books. License: All Rights Reserved.

Πολιτιστικη No. 1, January 1984.

Πολιτιστικη No. 10, October 1984.
Source: Orizontes Books. License: All Rights Reserved.

Πολιτιστικη No. 10, October 1984.

Πολιτιστικη (“Politistiki”), or Πολιτιστικη Μηνιαια Επιθεωρηση Τεχνης (“Cultural Monthly Art Review”) was a magazine about cultural affairs and Greek literature. Edited by Αντώνης Στεμνής (Antonis Stemnis, 1952–2006), it was printed and circulated between 1984 and 1987.

The magazine logo appears to use an adaptation for the Greek alphabet of the Zipper typeface as also seen in the Arnokouros shop sign. The Σ (sigma) is exactly the same as in the sign as well as the O and K. The Λ (lamda) has less wide proportions than one would expect for a Zipper adaptation.

The subtitle is shown in caps from what looks like a Greek version of Helvetica. Most of the other text on the covers is set in a bold weight of ITC Souvenir.

Πολιτιστικη No. 11, November 1984.
Source: Orizontes Books. License: All Rights Reserved.

Πολιτιστικη No. 11, November 1984.

Πολιτιστικη No. 17, March 1985.
Source: Orizontes Books. License: All Rights Reserved.

Πολιτιστικη No. 17, March 1985.

Πολιτιστικη No. 20, June 1985.
Source: ΒΟΡΕΑΣmagazin. License: All Rights Reserved.

Πολιτιστικη No. 20, June 1985.

Πολιτιστικη No. 21, July 1985.
Source: Booksistor. License: All Rights Reserved.

Πολιτιστικη No. 21, July 1985.

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