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Učinki odtujitve / Performance and self-management in Yugoslavia, 1945–1991

Contributed by Alja Herlah on Jul 5th, 2021. Artwork published in
circa April 2021
Učinki odtujitve / Performance and self-management in Yugoslavia, 1945–1991 1
Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

Učinki odtujitve, Performans in samoupravljanje v Jugoslaviji, 1945–1991 (“Effects of disposal, Performance and self-management in Yugoslavia, 1945–1991”) was published by Zavod Maska, with a book cover designed by Ajdin Bašić. From the publisher’s website (auto-translated):

Yugoslavia in the 1970s was an extremely dynamic and rich field of conceptual art and performance. At the same time, it followed an independent form of political economy of self-government. Jakovljević’s work explores the strong link between the democratization of the arts and industrial democracy, which made it very difficult to classify Yugoslav culture at the time.

The typography uses Wesna, designed by Krista Likar and Alja Herlah, and released by Type Salon in 2020. The publisher’s logo is set in Base 9 Sans.

Učinki odtujitve / Performance and self-management in Yugoslavia, 1945–1991 2
Photo: Alja Herlah. License: All Rights Reserved.
Učinki odtujitve / Performance and self-management in Yugoslavia, 1945–1991 3
Photo: Alja Herlah. License: All Rights Reserved.




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