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Zukunft durch Kreuzen

Contributed by Dennis Hoelscher on Oct 13th, 2021. Artwork published in
September 2021
Zukunft durch Kreuzen
Photo: Dennis Hoelscher. License: All Rights Reserved.

“Zukunft durchkreuzen oder Zukunft durch Kreuzen?” is a German wordplay that means as much as “thwarting the future, or future by voting?”, and relies on the double meaning of kreuzen (“to cross”).

The poster was designed at Hochschule Düsseldorf, following a call for entries by the Heartdirectorsclub. It focused on the power of our vote in Germany’s 2021 federal election and makes it clear that the future we want to live in must be actively shaped now. One step is to put your cross on the ballot on September 26, 2021. The poster was hung together with other 50 motifs in various German cities.




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