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Voyager Golden Record LP label

Contributed by Gavin Niebel on Nov 7th, 2021. Artwork published in
circa 1977
    Voyager Golden Record LP label 1
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.

    Created for the launch of the Voyager 1 and 2 space vehicles, this golden record label was put on the two records launched into the depths of space, containing dozens of audio and music clips as well as visuals representative of all of planet Earth, for anyone who might find and decode it a million years or less from its launch, to learn about the tiny civilization on a spec of dust we call home.

    The oldstyle roman caps used for “The Sounds of Earth” are from a filled-in version of Caslon Open Face. The sender info (“United States of America, Planet Earth”) is set in bold caps from Futura. The NASA logo is custom drawn (Nasalization from 2000 expands its letterforms to a full font).

    [More info on Discogs]

    Voyager Golden Record LP label 2
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.
    Voyager Golden Record LP label 3
    Source: License: All Rights Reserved.


    • Caslon Open Face
    • Futura




    Artwork location

    2 Comments on “Voyager Golden Record LP label”

    1. Excellent job, Gavin! At first I was skeptical whether the typeface ID was correct. Using an open face and then filling it in is not unheard of, but it struck me as odd here. Between the pointed A, the large angled serifs in E, the curved leg of R, the high bar in H, and the remarkably wide N, there’s no doubt – Caslon Open Face is spot on!

      For comparison: Caslon Openface (Bitstream’s digitization) with filled-in letterforms

      Maybe the designer intended to use the graceful open face, but then realized it was too fragile for the job, and filled in the letterforms. Or maybe there was a prefabricated solid version available as phototype? I checked a few catalogs, but came up empty.

    2. Gavin is a gentleman and revealed that it wasn’t him who found the ID, but master font connoisseur Akira over on the WhatTheFont board. Arigato!

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